The only fully adjustable sleep headphones on the market.

Revolutionary, Stanford-Backed Technology can Improve Tinnitus, Restore Lost Hearing In As Little As 1 Hour A Day

How to beat tinnitus symptoms, regain lost hearing, and strengthen your ears against future hearing loss without surgery or hearing aids

Over 50 million Ameriicans (1 in 6 people) are affected by tinnitus. Up to 90% of people with tinnitus have some level of noise-induced hearing loss.

Did you know that even mild hearing loss — the kind you might not even notice — can double your risk of dementia?

A study out of Johns Hopkins found that even mild hearing loss doubled dementia risks…

Moderate hearing loss triples your risk, and severe hearing loss makes dementia five times as likely.

Researchers aren’t sure why… but a leading theory is that damage to the inner ear’s structures could negatively impact brain function and cause faster cognitive decline.

However, surgery and unsightly hearing aids aren’t your only options for reducing tinnitus, hearing better, and fighting cognitive decline.

A revolutionary new technology called “Threshold Sound Conditioning” — backed by Stanford Medical School research — has been shown to heal those damaged inner structures and improve tinnitus in the vast majority of users

Almost like a physical therapist can help heal a sprained ankle or torn muscle.

To understand how this technology works, let me explain how loud noises damage those structures in your ear on a microscopic level…

How your hearing works

When sound waves enter your ear, small bones in the ear vibrate, stimulating tiny “hair cells” deep within the ear.

As the cells bend, twist, and move around… they turn the energy from the vibrations into electrical signals that travel to the brain.

Your brain registers this as a sound… and that’s how you perceive noise.

Imagine waves at the beach. Small waves gently lapping at the shore are nothing to worry about. 

Even slightly bigger waves that trip you over aren’t a big deal — you can stand right back up.

Most sound waves are like this. Even louder ones, like the muffled crack of thunder on a stormy night, move your hair cells around more…

But they resume their original position afterwards

The danger is in loud noises — things like loud music, front-row concert seats, gunshots, and construction equipment.

These are like tidal waves, putting so much force on the hair cells that they can’t recover…

And it takes far less than you think for this to happen.

According to the CDC, 5 minutes at a loud concert can harm or even kill these cells.

Last I checked, most concerts last a bit longer than 5 minutes.

So if you’ve been front-row at a concert, or in a loud nightclub, there’s a good chance you may have a bit of hearing loss.

How damaged cells cause tinnitus and hearing loss

Hair cells aren’t can’t reproduce like other cells. So once a hair cell dies, it’s gone forever.

That’s why there’s no real “cure” to hearing loss or tinnitus. Scientists are working on a cure for the latter, but it’s far off. We can’t fix dead hair cells in your ear at the moment.

So most people promising “cures” are stretching the truth.

But a dead cell is different than a damaged cell.

Cell can survive loud noises, but make it out with “injuries”, so to speak.

Some of them stop sending signals to the brain, weakening your hearing

But others “leak” false signals to your brain.

This makes your brain think you’re hearing that frustrating buzzing or ringing sound when there’s no corresponding noise in the outside world.

THAT is “subjective” tinnitus — the “loud noise” kind most are familiar with.

So if some cells still live, suffering injury… there might be a way to heal them with gentle, careful “exercise” like a physical therapist might heal a sprained ankle or a torn muscle.

That’s exactly what Sam Kwak – an audiology professor who noticed a decline in his own hearing – hypothesized.

Threshold Sound Conditioning — a promising technology

Sam developed a technology called “Threshold Sound Conditioning” (TSC) that stimulates and heals damaged hair cells.

It works by making a sound just below your “hearing threshold” — the quietest sound you can hear — to target injured cells.

Over time, these cells activate again. They start routing signals to other cell. This strengthens connections and reduces “leaked” sounds…

Relieving tinnitus symptoms and regaining some of your hearing.

Stanford University Medical School picked up on Sam’s invention, testing TSC on people with hearing loss.

The results:

Over 75% of subjects who used TSC could hear sounds 10 decibels quieter than before the study.

That’s a MASSIVE improvement.

The University of Oxford rated this study’s level of evidence at “1a”... the highest level of their Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) classification.

The verdict is in:

Regular use of TSC could relieve symptoms for people with subjective tinnitus (the type caused by loud noise) and potentially regain some lost hearing.

Threshold Sounds Conditioning Has Been Clinically Proved With:

Bringing TSC to the masses

By sheer luck, Sam met someone else driven to help people with hearing problems — Chris Ellis.

Chris was ecstatic to hear about TSC.

He had watched his grandfather lose his hearing and slip into dementia.

After doing some research, he found there was a link between hearing loss and dementia…

So he become passionate about finding an accessible solution to hearing loss.

After many meetings and discussions, the pair launched the company AudioCardio to develop a TSC smartphone app for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store…

And hundreds of success stories flooded in:

All you have to do with this app is:

1. Put on a pair of headphones and connect them your device

2. Take a quick hearing assessment to find each ear’s TSC threshold (each ear may have different levels of hearing)

3. Turn on your sound therapy for an hour and go about your day

Use it while working out, reading a book, relaxing, and more. 

You can even run it seamlessly in the background while listening to music and audiobooks — you won’t hear a thing!

But if you ever notice that you do hear your sound therapy…

That means it’s working. You’ve regained some hearing. You can now hear quieter sounds than before!

Just retake the assessment again, rinse, and repeat.

You can track your progress to see just how far you’ve come over a few weeks or months of AudioCardio.

Over 70% of Audiocardio users have reported improved hearing after at least 30 sessions (equal to nightly sessions for a month), with some noticing results even earlier.

Even better:

AudioCardio has been shown to protect your hearing against future loss through “forward-sound conditioning” — listening to TSC sound therapy before exposure to sound to reduce hearing impairment.

How to get the best results with AudioCardio

For the best AudioCardio results, you need the best headphones — and most common headphones fail here.

Traditional and bluetooth ear buds fall out of your ears overnight, getting lost in your covers and blankets. You might even break them!

Or, worse:

They jam into your ears, increasing earwax buildup and possibly causing an infection…

Or damaging the delicate structures of your middle and inner ear.

But there’s no need for bulky, annoying, over-the-ears headphones (those are impossible to sleep in anyways).

Instead, I recommend the Dormi Dream headphones.

Dormi Dream headband headphones were touted by Forbes as the “most comfortable headphones for sleeping” in 2024. The speakers are so thin, you almost can’t feel them when you’re laying on your side. Plus, the band’s made of a soft, comfy, elastic material to fit most head sizes snugly.

Listen to your AudioCardio therapy in unparalleled comfort while walking, doing chores, relaxing in front of the TV, and even sleeping.

Get Dormi’s Hearing Health bundle today

(It also doubles as a sleep mask if you need pitch-black to sleep at night.)

Plus, a free silk bag to take your Dormis with you wherever you go.

Each pair of Dormis comes with instructions to download AudioCardio and get set up for your TSC therapy in-app.

Get Dormi’s Hearing Health bundle today

What happens if I don’t like it?

Results can take a little while to notice. That’s why AudioCardio offers a 30-day free trial.

If, for some reason, you aren’t satisfied, just cancel during the trial period and you won’t pay a penny.

As for the Dream headphones, you get a full refund if you return them within 30 daysno questions asked.

This guarantee is only available because so many customers are loving their results and are happy to keep using AudioCardio for the long-term to exercise their hearing and keep it strong.

Just click the button below to grab the bundle and start your journey toward better hearing.

Get Dormi’s Hearing Health bundle today

To recap, here’s what you get:

  1. 30-day free trial of AudioCardio sound therapy to strengthen your hearing and reduce tinnitus symptoms

  2. Soft, stylish Dormi Dream headphones for an ultra-comfortable sound therapy experience

  3. A free silk travel bag for the headphones so you can use them anywhere

And remember: AudioCardio has a 30-day free trial, and you can return your Dormis if not completely satisfied for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

So grab your bundle now and start strengthening your ears:

Get Dormi’s Hearing Health bundle today